Hi! My name is Jamie Cohen and I am a digital culture expert as well as a writer, speaker, educator, and digital media producer.

I hold a PhD in Cultural and Media Studies specializing in memes and digital culture and I am an assistant professor at CUNY Queens College where I teach Digital Activism, Social Media, Aesthetics and Advertising Inequalities.

The big things:

Passionate about media literacy and internet literacy and currently writing Critical Internet Literacies: Reconsidering Creativity, Content, and Safety Online (Routledge 2025).

I’ve studied digital culture since 2006. My masters focused on YouTube, my PhD focused on tech, internet culture, and memes, specifically investigating internet culture’s influence on culture at large.

In 2013, I founded and directed an internet studies college degree (New Media) at Molloy U.

I strongly belief in transformative education, especially on study-away education. I’m most proud of my years in Italy with the Hofstra in Rome program.

Head of Education of Digital Void, an internet literacies project that features live shows, workshops, and a podcast.

I’m also a contributor for Forbes, covering digital media and internet culture.

I enjoy sharing what I’ve learned and empowering others to think critically and optimistically about the hyper-mediated world around us.


Curiosity. Exploration. Action

Merging my previous experiences of television production, service industry, and education, I deploy most of my scholarly work pedagogically. I provide background, context, color and narrative to the wildly changing media environments that sit on either side of the digital interface.

Expert in Memes, Digital Culture, and Digital Media; Academic Source

International Speaker: Google, the WHO, the FBI, Trust & Safety Collective, PERIL at American University, Canadian Consulate of NY, Salzburg Academy on Media and Global Change, Emerson College, Nevada State College

Offered insights to: New York Times, RTL Nieuws, Digital Fairy, Society, Asahi Shimbun, China Daily Hong Kong, The Verge, CNN, Reddit, Messenger, Washington Post, Junior Scholastic, Time, WGN NewsNation, PictureStart, GQ, USA Today, ABC SF, Fox News, Inside Edition, Summer Friday, Forbes, Vice, Funny As Tech, Team Human


Award Winning Educator and International Speaker


Program Founder and Director

  • Founder: The New Media Program (major and minor) at Molloy College, an interdisciplinary bachelor of science degree

  • Co-founder: Game Studies BS Degree, Molloy College

  • Co-founder: Baldwin HS New Media Academy

  • Founder: HTVinteractive, Herbert School of Comm, Hofstra

  • Developer/Consultant: Vertical Video Lab, Herbert School of Comm, Hofstra


Connecting Community

I pride myself on being more than an academic in a classroom. Along with the Digital Void Project and teaching for Vital Thought, my goal is to connect with the community and work with others to make sense of this era in flux.


Please check out my projects, publications, and press. I’d be happy to work with your team and contribute my insights, strategy, and creativity to your projects.